São Paulo, Brasil
5.276 m²


The lot lies between Simpatia and Medeiros de Albuquerque streets, with a drop corresponding to four floors in-between.

The building itself was set on the lower and larger end of the lot, on Medeiros de Albuquerque street, as not to obstruct the view from the two neghboring buildings, resulting in sides laid at angles.

The lot’s higher end, accessible from Simpatia street, is a narrow strip that due to the building code setbacks offers no constructive potential, only serving as an entrance for pedestrians and vehicles. As the ground floor is level with Simpatia street, a bridge connects that street to the building.

A third block, lower and featuring only four floors, connects to the central block.



The Building, intersected by the bridge, results in two distinct volumes, yet with the same height. That division on the blueprint results in a well-defined occupation on the typical floor: one apartment unit in each volume, i.e., two units per floor, as per the program requested by IZ. A third adjacent volume, lower, complements the setout of the building on the land. It features the swimming pool, on the ground floor; parking and stores on the lower floors.

The stores, incorporated into the building volume, have double ceiling heights. The front yard of the stores is completely open to the street, forming a plaza with parking spaces and gardens.

Each volume has a different color: the higher volumes black and gray, the lower, white. All elements on the façades, such as railings and casework, are in the color of their respective volume, except for the wooden covering of the balconies.

The main façades overlooking Simpatia and Medeiros de Albuquerque street are like large metal porticoes framing the wood-clad balconies. Each balcony features a set of metal vases welded to the railing, distributed randomly.

The side façades, clad in corrugated sheet metal, feature the window openings to the other rooms in the building. Those openings, deeper tp guard the rooms from the neighboring buildings, are covered in granite, matching the color of their respective façades.

The bridge, a key element in the project for its importance as an access, is differentiated by the color blue. Similarly, the vertical connections between the volumes are also blue.

The building ultimately results in a group of various interwoven related interfaces, each with its own character and importance. A changing and surprising assembly, depending on the viewpoint.



Isay Weinfeld


Monica Cappa


Alan Chu
Cristiano Kato
Danilo Zamboni
Fernando de Mendonça
Katherina Ortner
Sebastian Murr
Tiago Mestre


Carolina Miranda


Fernando Guerra
Nelson Kon

Isay Weinfeld Isay Weinfeld