By Alice Ferraz

At a time when the words luxury and exclusivity dominate the discourse of elite contemporary architecture, Isay Weinfeld chooses to follow a different path. The architect, known for works that highlight the power of classic modernism and at the same time are totally up-to-date, welcomed me to talk about his new book and revealed the greater purpose of his work. “My true passion lies not in ostentation, but in the relentless pursuit of quality. Luxury itself doesn’t interest me, nor do trends. Quality does,” he says bluntly.
For Weinfeld, architecture goes beyond superficial aesthetics. What drives him is the creation of spaces that promote connection and genuine encounters between people. “Today, in São Paulo, any development claims to be iconic or exclusive, if not both. And it should be the opposite. A project doesn’t have to stand out from its neighbors, it has to establish a respectful relationship with its surroundings. What’s more, instead of excluding, it should be inviting and promote encounters. That’s the world I want to see. I understood that I do what I do because I’m a caring guy. I look after people, friends and family. That’s very important to me. This care is directly reflected in the design of his projects, which are always focused on the needs and feelings of those who will inhabit them.

Whether in luxury developments or social housing, Weinfeld’s mission is to provide a space that offers well-being, comfort and, above all, happiness. “The quest is to meet the client’s requirements, budget limits and, most importantly, to do something for the city,” he explains. “What matters is not the status of the project, but its ability to transform any space into something functional and impactful for people and the environment. “I did a very high luxury building in Monaco, but I also did a Minha Casa, Minha Vida social housing development in São Paulo’s Minhocão. What interests me are the extremes and understanding how to achieve them with the same quality,” he says.

His defense of a more inclusive architecture is evident in his criticism of the current real estate market. Weinfeld regrets the tendency to prioritize marketing over architectural quality and believes that the market needs more courage. “Developers need to take more risks. They build every last square meter, without thinking about whether this is the best thing for the city. I find that regrettable.”

This concern extends to the concept of more accessible and active first floors, which are fundamental to urban vitality. According to Weinfeld, the future of cities depends on the harmonious coexistence of different uses – residential, commercial and cultural – that encourage the movement of people and reinforce street safety. “It is important that ground floors serve as spaces for public access. I can’t understand anyone not wanting to live next to the bakery, above the pharmacy, near the metro. It’s these uses that make people move around the streets more, that make the city more lively and safe,” he says. “A project has to offer a symbiosis in which the natural world and the man-made world are complementary. Above all, buildings that are easy to live in, inviting and elegant – and all without ostentation,” says the architect.

The projects featured in the new book span five decades, including the Jardim Building, overlooking New York’s High Line; his reinvention of the Four Seasons restaurant; La Petite Afrique in Monte Carlo, with its plant-filled balconies; and the monolithic Hotel Fasano in São Paulo, among many others.

Isay Weinfeld Isay Weinfeld